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Showing posts from May, 2024

Wake up, dear Voter!

Election Special - Must Read

Hey Dear Voter! Please wake up! For your vote can make up A huge mote as big as a revolution! Your one vote is a solution, To the tons of problems Your vote is the antidote! Hey dear voter! Bad Politicians take flight! Because you sleep in the absence of light, Like a slothful sloth, you choose to ignore, Yet your silence invites them to reap and snore. Hey dear voter, You should be proud of the ink, On your index finger’s brink! For it has the potential To make the essential A true reality. Hey dear voter! You are mature, You have the power to remove the immature, And instate the mature one. "What difference can my one vote make?" one may ask… Hey dear voter! Vote not for a freebie Vote for the key That you think will open the lock To the solutions of nation’s problems! In this world nothing comes for free, But for voting there is no fee…! Hey Dear Voter! The Constitution has given you full right, Now it’s your

Election Special - Must Read

Hey Dear Voter! Please wake up! For your vote can make up A huge mote as big as a revolution! Your one vote is a solution, To the tons of problems Your vote is the antidote! Hey dear voter! Bad Politicians take flight! Because you sleep in the absence of light, Like a slothful sloth, you choose to ignore, Yet your silence invites them to reap and snore. Hey dear voter, You should be proud of the ink, On your index finger’s brink! For it has the potential To make the essential A true reality. Hey dear voter! You are mature, You have the power to remove the immature, And instate the mature one. "What difference can my one vote make?" one may ask… Hey dear voter! Vote not for a freebie Vote for the key That you think will open the lock To the solutions of nation’s problems! In this world nothing comes for free, But for voting there is no fee…! Hey Dear Voter! The Constitution has given you full right, Now it’s your

The Actual Full Story of Eklavya: Read till the end...!

 In the heart of ancient India, there lived a young and talented archer. His story is one of skill, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion. Ekalavya, the son of Hiranyadhanus who was the king of Nishada tribe. Though born in a privileged family, Ekalavya lost his father at a very young age due to his tragic death in a war. Now Ekalavya as the male heir was the only one to be in charge of the forest. But there was another problem. The population of the wolves and jackals was at its peak, which threatened the natives and wildlife. Ekalavya, who was a humble and curious boy, wanted to learn archery and warfare tactics for the welfare of his subjects. He approached Dronacharya, the guru of Pandavas and the Kauravas, whom he considered his role model. Greeting to you Oh Revered Guru! I am Eklavya, the son of late Hiranyadhanus, the king of Nishada Tribe. As the new king of the forest, it is my duty to protect my subjects and the forest wildlife from the wolves and jackals. I am very keen to lea