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Wake up, dear Voter!

Election Special - Must Read

Hey Dear Voter! Please wake up! For your vote can make up A huge mote as big as a revolution! Your one vote is a solution, To the tons of problems Your vote is the antidote! Hey dear voter! Bad Politicians take flight! Because you sleep in the absence of light, Like a slothful sloth, you choose to ignore, Yet your silence invites them to reap and snore. Hey dear voter, You should be proud of the ink, On your index finger’s brink! For it has the potential To make the essential A true reality. Hey dear voter! You are mature, You have the power to remove the immature, And instate the mature one. "What difference can my one vote make?" one may ask… Hey dear voter! Vote not for a freebie Vote for the key That you think will open the lock To the solutions of nation’s problems! In this world nothing comes for free, But for voting there is no fee…! Hey Dear Voter! The Constitution has given you full right, Now it’s your


   There was a crow which was very hungry. It went in search of food.  A fox was also searching for food as it's also hungry. Now, let's go to our friend, Mr.crow. Crow suddenly saw a piece of cheese. The cheese looked very tasty. YUMMY!  It (crow) took the cheese in its small beak and flew away to its home. Suddenly the fox saw cheese in crow's mouth from a distance. It had a wicked plan of taking away the cheese from the crow. \It said, "Brother you sing very nicely! Please sing oh golden voice. I am you're fan!" When crow opened it's beak to sing, the cheese fell down. The fox immediately gulped the cheese before the crow comes and ran away. Moral : Every praise is not true. Sometimes, you can be fooled with praise so be cautious.                      Story by - Vishnu Sharma, Panchatantra tale The clever fox VIDEO   

Doctor & Businessman Exchange

Doctor & Businessman Exchange In the heart of a bustling city, a contented businessman and his wife resided in a multi-storeyed building. Their lives were filled with happiness until a chance encounter would test the businessman's compassion. One day, as the businessman embarked on a routine business trip in his car, he noticed a starving boy on the verge of collapse. Reacting swiftly, he halted his car, preventing the boy from fainting. Though unconscious, the businessman took him to his home, tended to his injuries with soothing sandal paste, provided him with the finest clothes, and fed him with genuine care. For the first time, the poor boy, named Keshav, experienced such kindness and benevolence. Grateful, he expressed his thanks, acknowledging that the businessman had saved his life. Curious about Keshav's life, the businessman offered friendship, suggesting Keshav call him 'big brother.' Thrilled, they became fast friends, and the businessman soon discovered

The Demise of the Dreadful Corona

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction and is not intended to represent or reflect real events, individuals, or organizations. Any resemblance to actual persons or entities is purely coincidental. Additionally, while the narrative may mention themes related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it does not provide accurate information about the virus, its origins, or its impact on the world. The story is created solely for entertainment purposes and is not a source of factual or medical information. Readers are encouraged to rely on official sources for accurate and up-to-date information regarding public health matters. INTRODUCTION: In the vast creation of God, countless living beings inhabit the Earth. When wickedness clouded the world, God, in his divine wisdom, sought to protect the righteous and those devoted to serving humankind. This story unfolds the timeless lesson that goodness triumphs over evil, and righteousness should always guide our actions. THE STORY T

The Helpful Magan

The Helpful Magan In the quaint village of Pataliputra, a humble woodcutter named Magan faced not only the challenges of earning a living but also a severe illness that made him an outcast. Afflicted by a disease that repelled others, Magan led a solitary life. One day, fate intervened as King Ashok of Pataliputra ventured into the forest for a hunt. Resting near a river, an ill-intentioned spy from a rival kingdom seized the opportunity to push the king into the water, disappearing without a trace. The king, unable to swim, cried out for help. Magan, drawn by the king's distress, rushed to the riverbank, accompanied by his friends. Swiftly, Magan threw a rope into the river, aiding the struggling king to safety. Despite the grave risk, Magan's act of compassion prevailed. However, Magan's friends, oblivious to the king's identity, revealed Magan's condition, earning the ire of King Ashok. Quick to anger, the king sentenced them to death. In a plea for mercy, Magan

A Celestial Picnic - Very Short Novel

In a quaint cottage lived two inseparable friends, Kitty and Louise. One fine day, they decided to embark on a picnic adventure in the nearby forest. Eagerly, they packed an assortment of essentials including food, a kite for amusement, a basket, clothing, a mat, and various other items needed for a perfect picnic. Upon reaching the forest, their chosen picnic spot, the friends revealed in the joyous moments they shared. The highlight of their day, however, occurred as they engaged in flying a kite. Unexpectedly, a formidable eagle swooped down, tearing their kite and lifting both Kitty and Louise in its powerful claws. The eagle soared through the skies, carrying them to the far reaches of the universe, where it released them on a diminutive celestial body named Eris. Overwhelmed with emotion, Kitty and Louise wept bitterly. In their distress, they turned to prayer, beseeching divine intervention. Miraculously, a brilliant flash of light appeared and spoke, advising them to close thei


I AM BRILLIANT AT MATHEMATICS! (SPECIAL EDITION)  STORY OF 3 MORALS.                                  In the regal court of King Kevin, a monarch known for his penchant for challenging code questions in mathematics, an incident unfolded that tested the intellect and sensibility of his ministers. During one such court session, King Kevin presented a code puzzle to his minister, Alias. The enigma involved a sequence of letters, wherein 'D' corresponded to 'E,' and 'Z' looped back to 'A.' However, before Alias could respond, the King, feeling a sudden pang of hunger, abruptly adjourned the court for a meal, leaving the minister's answer pending. The next day, King Kevin revisited the matter, directing Alias to provide the solution. To the surprise of the other ministers, Alias confidently declared, "I AM BRILLIANT AT MATHEMATICS!" The King, pleased with Alias's response, commended him. Later, as the court concluded, a group of minister